Del 3 al 6 de octubre de 2023 se celebra en Leeuwarden, Países Bajos, el Congreso anual de la Federación EUROPARC, EUROPARC Conference 2023, con el lema «Tributo a nuestro paisaje: donde la naturaleza y las personas se encuentran en armonía». El congreso se enmarca en la celebración del 50 Aniversario de la Federación EUROPARC.
Se han programado los siguientes talleres:
- How can we improve our capacities to adapt to climate change?
- The return of large carnivores: a toolkit to facilitate coexistence
- Landscapes tell stories – and so can you!
- Five ways to healthier people and healthier parks – WALKSHOP
- Re-thinking what nature protection is: how do we market hope?
- Nature in the digital age. How can we use technology in conservation?
- Turning Conflict into Cooperation: What can Protected Area managers do?
- Recreation management: How involving user groups in co-decision-making processes can help create more effective regulations.
- Identifying enabling factors for effective Protected Area governance and promoting innovative funding opportunities to improve connectivity.
- Learning in landscapes
- Sustainability and Environmental Education in Outdoor Sports
- Landscapes of the future – what is needed for effective Protected Area management?
¡Os esperamos en el EUROPARC Conference 2023!
¡Aprovechad la cuota de inscripción reducida hasta el 15 de mayo!