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Del 3 al 6 de octubre de 2023 se celebra en Leeuwarden, Países Bajos, el Congreso anual de la Federación EUROPARC, EUROPARC Conference 2023, con el lema «Tributo a nuestro paisaje: donde la naturaleza y las personas se encuentran en armonía». El congreso se enmarca en la celebración del 50 Aniversario de la Federación EUROPARC.

Se han programado los siguientes talleres:

  1. How can we improve our capacities to adapt to climate change?
  2. The return of large carnivores: a toolkit to facilitate coexistence
  3. Landscapes tell stories – and so can you!
  4. Five ways to healthier people and healthier parks – WALKSHOP
  5. Re-thinking what nature protection is: how do we market hope?
  6. Nature in the digital age. How can we use technology in conservation?
  7. Turning Conflict into Cooperation: What can Protected Area managers do?
  8. Recreation management: How involving user groups in co-decision-making processes can help create more effective regulations.
  9. Identifying enabling factors for effective Protected Area governance and promoting innovative funding opportunities to improve connectivity.
  10. Learning in landscapes
  11. Sustainability and Environmental Education in Outdoor Sports
  12. Landscapes of the future – what is needed for effective Protected Area management?

¡Os esperamos en el EUROPARC Conference 2023!

¡Aprovechad la cuota de inscripción reducida hasta el 15 de mayo!

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